Re: [BLAST_ANAWARE] ed elastic asymmetry day by day.

From: richard milner (
Date: Sat Jul 26 2003 - 10:18:13 EDT

Hi Chi,
Thanks for your message. I am not able to see the figures here but had a
couple of questions.

- can you provide a determination of the target polarization
with uncertainty for each of these running periods?

- can you also provide a determination of the yields for these different
periods? do they agree with MC?

- what about looking at the target running consitions for each of these
periods? the target guys should carefuly consider the ABS running
conditions for each of these periods: target vacuum, transition scans etc.
If the conclusion is that sometimes the target is working and other times
not then we must be able to diagnose this.

On Thu, 24 Jul 2003, zhangchi wrote:

> Hi, all,
> please take a few of your precious moments to board on a time travel with
> me. :)
> atatched are figures for ed elastic tensor asymmetries from runs taken on
> different days.
> 1st, please see ed_asym_bf_7_13.eps: before July 13th when we were running
> cycle 3 automatic flipping. blue dots are data, the 2nd and 3rd are the
> significant ones. red curves are theory with 100% polarization. left is
> parallel kinematics and right is perpendiculare kinematics
> It looks OK, even promising. at least one can scale the theory curve down
> to touch the error bars and both sides are at least consistant.
> 2nd. please see ed_asym_7_13_7_16.eps: from July 13th to July 16th. We are
> running manual flipping in T20 sequence. Cell tempreture control was not
> working, had to turn on and off the heater by hand, so cell temp varied
> quite a bit, tipically 95-105, could be as large as 85-115. Still OK,
> parallel kinematics shows even better trace of T20. If one scales the
> theory curve to data, at least tow sides are consistant.
> 3rd. please see ed_asym_7_16_7_17.eps: OH boy, this is a thrilling
> picture! tempreture control started to work, temp varied run by run a
> little and was rather stable during single runs. Both data points in
> parallel kinematics distinguish from 0 and has damn right Q squared
> evolution. perpendicular side is consistant with the left and the second
> dots is positive already.
> 4th. please see ed_asym_7_18.eps: data on July 18th. everything crapped
> out. nothing makes sense. If you look at the ligit vs. run# plot Tancredi
> sent earlier today, this is about where the ligit shot up to 0.12.
> 5th. please see ed_asym_7_19.eps, ed_asym_7_20.eps, ed_asym_7_21.eps.
> Very depressing, seems I am never gonna make it to my graduate day.
> For 3 days, data points seem to be wherever they want to be. for this
> part, the ligit dipped down to 0.08 and climbed slowly back up to 0.1.
> 6th. please see ed_asym_7_22.eps, on 22nd. still, I say, results are not
> good. but on can argue that it seems things are back on track. At least,
> all points are close to where they are expected.
> After that, we stopped for unpol.
> Any comments, any one? I don't what to say. I hope to hear from target and
> analysis experts.
> Chi

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