It was thought that the target holding field angle is 37 degrees, not 45,
as people initially thought (Karen doublechecked) so I quickly did some
simulations for the new angle value.
Plots for 45, 22.5 and 37 degrees can be seen for comparison at:
For 45 degrees I had a total of 200K events, for 22.5 and 37 degrees I had
20K events each case (so the statistics might not be that good but the
same is true for real data).
Anyway, I think the 37 degree case starts to look more like real data (I
will soon send a real data plot for comparison - I also kept the same
number of bins for MC!).
Adrian Sindile
Research Assistant
Nuclear Physics Group
University of New Hampshire
phone: (603)862-1691
FAX: (603)862-2998
email: asindile@alberti.unh.edu
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