From: Townsend Zwart (zwart@ROCKO.mit.edu)
Date: Thu Aug 14 2003 - 18:42:30 EDT

The Compton Laser spot has been moved. The first mirror motor failed and
the laser spot was missing the penultimate mirror. No appreciable laser
power was being transmitted through the vacuum. I am not sure when this
occured. Jan and I adjusted the failed actuator mechanically to resteer
the laser through the vacuum. It will be neccesary for the next shift to
search again for the optimal overlap of laser and electron beam. Do not
attempt to use either of the first two mirror motors. They have been
unplugged and will not respond. Use of the last two motors should allow
a good overlap with the electron beam.

I believe the system is functional, but will require your attention when
you return.


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