[BLAST_SHIFTS] Shift summary 08/31/2003 A (0-4)

From: Electronic Log Book (elog@blast05.lns.mit.edu)
Date: Sun Aug 31 2003 - 04:28:19 EDT

Operators: milner kohlm ----

Unfortunately this shift was dominated by various problems.

The HV GUI / control system consumed again some considerable amount of downtime.
After the ion polarimeter measurement WCL21 was set to 3800V and run 2269 was taken (started 21:15). During this, L21 tripped four times until it didn't want to stay on (22:50). We intended to attempt to increase the trip current limit. However, the communication between the control PC and the HV crates fell back into not well defined states (broken pipe, various tripoffs etc.). Several Dtunnel accesses were necessary to power-cycle the crates as well as numerous restarts of the control software in order reestablish the communication.
The problem was: As we finally wanted to set L21 back to 3570V like it was done in the morning, we could not even initialize the crate properly as it tripped right away. The initialization takes the voltage from the database which is 3800V for L21. Repeating the above attempts again and again finally helped (00:15).

At 00:30 the septum magnet LMS1 tripped. Took until 04:00 to fix it and to get the beam on again.

Started crunching of those runs which still were to be done. Runlist updated.

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