Hello Blast Analyzers,
1) there is still quite a number of analysis "tasks" which are important
to us: tof offsets, asymmetry, cerenkov, neutron detectors and d2.
Please stay in contact with the lab even if you can't come here and please
see the shopping list that came out after the blast coordination mtg.
2) Please do not bother if a message such as "file qbyphil-XXX" not found
appears. Init.C is complaining about a file containing the beamgated
integrated charge of each fill on separate lines. This file can be
generated with qbyphil.C (...). This is not a regular charge file so it
will likely not affect at all.
3) About 2d or graphical cuts: These are supoported in root although they
are differnt animals than TCut objects (see later). A gcut is labelled
with a name and can be stored/read from a file.
In order to select better elastic events (at large q2) I determined two
such cuts on the banana shapes of twl:twr. I named them as "lcut" and
"rcut" obviously for e-'s on the left, right. The commands that did that
are in elas_gcuts.C, and were stolen from wc_eff.C and similar codes.
The new thing is that the cut file ("elas_gcuts.root") is opened by
default at the begininning of your root session (flr.C) and hence you can
add these cuts to your Draw statement
Draw(q2_L, pm_ep_cut+coplaw_tight+zlrw+LEFT+"lcut&&trig==1")
is a nice way to select elastic events w/ e- on the left and plot their Q2
distribution. Note: if you zap the elas_gcuts.root file then init.C will
warn you. Let me know what you think and/or if you found this to be even
remotely useful. Kind Regards,
-- tancredi
Tancredi Botto, phone: +1-617-253-9204 mobile: +1-978-490-4124
research scientist MIT/Bates, 21 Manning Av Middleton MA, 01949
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