Operators: tancredi ajmasch tancredi
Smooth, automatic data taking on empty. Noticed that in the past few days we ran with target state "undefined" (which is very bad because it will mess up your
normalization) and with the bg inhibit not connected (cause the same problems)
Compton crashed once. See logbook.
Almost all data has been re-analyized.
LADS: compiled and run new scaler program. Seems fine, applied switch to
a number of macros. Developed "raw_" macros (~/pro/ana/macros/Raw/...) for viewing data. Found formatting problem in electronics map. But still no ADC
and no TDC. Obvious problems seems to be the very low rate in the scalers,
also for minial thresholds. Karen found more miscablings in D-tunnel. So we
are a bit behind: problem needs flasher data more than anyhting else.
Singles: tried single arm trigger with CC. Rate was 7 Khz. Livetime 10 % or so.
Made new CODA configuration for a 1/17 prescaled singles trigger this weekend.
Empty runs: We now have ca. 24000 events with a positive and a negative particle track, but only 3000 events/sector can actually be mis-identified
(i.e. they also have a hard electron, as identified by the cerenkov).
Note that in the first case we have a rather smooth angle distribution (1st attach), in the second case we have a behaviour more closely resembling the Mott cross section (2nd attach). In the latter case only only a few can be mis-indentifed as H2 elastic.The yield of events in the elastic cuts has
dropped by a factor ca 3-4. Not all the statistics is available yet but it seems
that this problem has not gone away and may well be related to the icing or coating.
have a look at 3rd attach showing (again) the particle angle in a given sector. Again, forward angles is 99% electrons, backward is 99% protons, pi+ are
down in rate: with minimal cuts, the reconstructed data is lr symmetric. Also
the flr data is symmetric. Yesterday the B-field sign was wrong in tracking (was over-written) and/or I must have done something wrong.
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