Operators: yxiao manouch ----
Empty target data taking with reversed, full Blast field; no holding field; warm
Around 20:00pm TB noticed that wrong trigger file was used -- should be
" singles.settings" instead of " singles_cconly.settings". So run 2700, 2702 -
03 are with wrong triggers ( 2701 is junk).
At 20:30, noticed the disk of dblast07 was full. Called TB to fix the problem.
(Run 2704 to 2709 are junk.)
20:50, data taking again. Since WC L1 and L21 tripped continuously, L1 was
disabled for the whole shift, and L21 was off for run 2710-2713, and set to 3750V
thereafter. WC R24 tripped twice or thrice for each run, so still set to 3800V.
HV IOC hung twice then got to reboot it.
Good runs: 2710 -- 2715. Date are crunched or being crunched up to 2714.
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