Operators: nikolas nikolas nikolas
The night started with empty target and then continued with 0.1sccm Unpol H2.
Physrun configuration on coda was selected. Singles.settings trigger had already been downloaded.
In short, the "data taking" was marked by an extraordinary WC tripping extravaganza. L1 remained disabled as any attempt to operate it was met with beepings. L21 and R24 competed very closely for the most trips over the entire night. L21 would trip even as low as 3700. R24 was more stable at 3750. Towards the end of the shift R27 decided to trip also. A couple of times the tripping was stopped to give the WC time to "rest". This did not help all that much.
In between the tripping some data was taken. Runs 2714-2725 are being crunched , some already done. The SN ration on WC (mainly 0 and 3 on the online gui) is poor.
L1 is off, L21 at 3700, R24 at 3750.
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