[BLAST_SHIFTS] Shift summary 09/30/2003 C (8-12)

From: Electronic Log Book (elog@blast05.lns.mit.edu)
Date: Tue Sep 30 2003 - 12:40:21 EDT

Operators: zwart kdow ----

(Karen filing for Townsend). Stopped taking data at 6:45am to open hall for checking target. Later discovered that detector subframes are open, presumably have been since collimator was installed. Runs 2839-2958 are useless.

Target window was removed to check gas feed, reinstalled, may be pumping already. Superconducting solenoids are being filled with LHe so that they will last until we've finished collimator studies. While the hall was open, the coils were installed for the spin flipper, and connected and tested by Dan Cheever.

Plan is to get beam back once the solenoids are full. Run empty target for an hour or so, compare to empty runs before collimator was installed (make a plot like Tancredi's that was sent to Blast_Anaware yesterday afternoon; directions on how to make it also sent to Anaware). Then run H2 to be sure we DO see target gas (rate higher than empty, z distribution shows a triangle, ep elastic events). Once we're sure things are working, run for several hours on empty, H2, D2. then assess what else we need to do -- a different beam position, run with ABS transverse holding field, run with singles trigger and configuration, try newphys_4C.settings (need to change prescale factors in trigger supervisor readout list), other... Operators will also want to use spin flipper and make sure the beam still fits through the collimator (spin flipper shakes beam vertically).

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