Hi Tancredi,
If indeed the thresholds are 1.4 MeV equivalent electron energy, then
your estimate of 5 MeV protons is about right.
However, an electron threshold of 1.4 MeV seems to me to be somewhat
inconsistent with what I remember of the "beam on" ADC spectra. The
ADC peak corresponding to minimum ionizing electrons is up around
channel 1500 (I don't remember the exact number) and should correspond
to 5 MeV energy loss. A threshold of 1.4 MeV is almost 1/3 of that and
should clearly be visible in the ADC spectra as a span of about 400
channels or so above pedestal with no counts in them. I don't remember
seeing anything like that. One should see where the source end point
is on the ADCs compared with minimum ionizing electrons.
On Tue, 21 Oct 2003, Tancredi Botto wrote:
> I investigated the issue of the TOF threshold with Michael.
> We used a Sr/Yr90 beta emitter with an end point of 2.2 MeV, which has a
> range in plastic < 1", i.e. less than the detector thickness. The source
> was placed on the back side of a tof, where there is no lead sheet, and
> very close to a light guide and PMT. For all practical purposes the source
> deposited up to 2.1 MeV in the scintillator, even after accounting for
> energy loss.
> On the scaler for a single PMT the source is clearly visible up to a PMT
> threshold of 45 mV, see plot of rate in Hz vs threshold in mV (top panel)
> The source activity is 0.56 uC, corresponding to a rate of 10 kHz into the
> detector (1/2 solid angle or 2pi) Assuming the pulse height to be linear
> with energy deposit, then our "normal" threshold for the TOF photo-tubes
> (30 mV) corresponds to the energy deposit of a 1.4 MeV electron.
> If I take and invert Calarco's correction to small energy loss for
> protons/electrons this threshold corresponds to a proton energy loss of
> (dE+1.3)/0.6 = 4.5 MeV !! (for dE=1.4 MeV e- eloss) If I look it up in
> Knoll, pg 225, I get a proton threshold of 5.0 MeV
> This is the threshold for a single PMT, when light attenuation can be
> effectively assumed to be negligible (since we are so close to the tube).
> Note that the effect of the beta source was visible on a single pmt rate
> only, but not on the top/bottom coinc rate.
> Therefore it seems possible that the TOF proton threshold is very high
> (few MeV). More detailled info after we take source spectra, hopefully
> including Co56.
> I am asking for some help from the TOF folks:
> scintillator material, attenuation length and Birks formula parameters
> for e- and protons for our material. According to Knoll the main reference
> here is "R.L. Craun, D.L. Smith NIM 80, 239 (1970)" to which I only have
> access on campus.
-- John R. Calarco Dept. of Physics Univ. of New Hampshire Durham, NH 03824 phone: (603)862-2088 FAX: (603)862-2998 email: calarco@unh.edu
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