Sorry for the delay. Here are the minutes and an agenda for next time.
I assume we'll still meet on friday at 10 am, next to the counting bay.
_ New code version:
_ chris
_ eff in run 707 : 27 out 83 lost
_ Need better cal file
_ Question about stubs and segments having to perfectly line up in nsed.
They do not (if not pointing at target?) Seems understood.
_ chi
_ analyzed 12 runs, only one seg fault (2085).
_ About eff: you may lose hits passed to newton due to be calib
_ Expect v3 tag soon
_ Reconstruction accuracy:
_ Extracting a calibration file is an involved (iterative) procedure
_ still need to see effect of cal file on this year's runs
_ need manpower. Currently only WX directly involved.
_ Doug showing t0 change. Investigating but rms is very small (5 ns) and should
not affect us much.
_ Geometry
_ aron
_ TBLWch1Wire::Pos in wire-cal assumed ideal wch position,
not consistent, introduces a small correction
_ TVector3 and TBLVector. Remove latter ?
_ Libblast use of rotations (L2B and B2L) seem fine
_ Misc
_ Need better analysis/evaluation of reconstruction efficiency/issue.
_ Be selective on wire hits, stub types.
_ Add statistics stub types, # of segments for improved online monitor
_ Chi: ok, but only used at preliminary level. It is the hits the matter in
the final fit.
Next meeting
_ v3 results for 700's
_ cal file from wang
_ DST: status and addons
-- ________________________________________________________________________________ Tancredi Botto, phone: +1-617-253-9204 mobile: +1-978-490-4124 research scientist MIT/Bates, 21 Manning Av Middleton MA, 01949 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
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