[BLAST_ANAWARE] minutes software mtg 11/14

From: Tancredi Botto (tancredi@lns.mit.edu)
Date: Fri Nov 14 2003 - 12:32:53 EST

- chi : result from before/aft resistor change show little difference
  even if number of hits increased.
- doug wire-plane eff close to 98% (if box is on!) before looking at tracks
- need to check if above efficiency with tracks (ca 70 % of tracks should've 18
  hits..). Jason preparing code for doing this (calculated distance track/wire
  to determine if wire should have fired)
- We still have to study accuracy for ideal tracks only, vs # hits, vs FF routine
- Best done with upcoming DST (chi, hpefully this we)
- DST has to be part of the tag, still fixing reconstruction problems

- A next task is to parametrize wch/recon eff vs box number
- needed for meaningful comparison with mc
- doug preparing geographical map of boxes

- MonteCarlo:
        aron: preparing code fo rsub-detector (read in geom, add
              shift, spit out new geom file). Will be in blast_params.

        detector model still missing. Will come eup in the next meeting's

- tdc offsets:
        _note from tb, pk coming up. There was a conceptual error in the analysis
          (or rather, how we tought things were cabled)
        _ may explain why offsets never really worked
        _ needs to re-analyze bunch of runs, check with pk to for new cal file
        - cal file will now depend on trigger downloaded! (or actual retime delays)
        _ libBLAST will read fname from db.

- cal file need to be archived.

********** Next meeting friday AFTERNOON (after committe visit)

        _ status of reconstruction
        _ montecarlo outer detector model
        _ status of cal files
Tancredi Botto, phone: +1-617-253-9204 mobile: +1-978-490-4124
research scientist MIT/Bates, 21 Manning Av Middleton MA, 01949

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