I tagged version v3_0 today, and we are ready to start crunching with
the new version. I also made a stable branch 'b3_0' in the BlastLib2
directory to check in small changes and bugfixes. Some of the new
features are:
* Aaron's new geometry classes with full 6 degrees of freedom per
* Chi's DST classes for saving all of the reconstruction info for each
* improved efficiency and slightly improved resolution
You can create the directory 'my_blast' and check out this version into
that directory with the command:
> cvs -d /home/blast/cvsroot co -d my_blast -rv3_0 .
Then configure and make:
> cd my_blast
> configure
> make
Crunching is still done with 'lrn', however, this now does all of the
steps: charge.C, lrn.C, flrn.C, and elas_f. See Chi's message:
zhangchi wrote:
>lrn produces lr, flr, dst and charge file. no need for the cycle of lrn,
>flrn, charge.C anymore. TB's ep_filter.h is included into the lib, his
>change on lrn/raw for spin flipper are merged in. charge file format is a
>little different. but for H2, only difference is in fill by fill charge, i
>write scaler and inhib charge for fills too. if it becomes a problem, I ll
>make they identical.
>at this moment, fill number of the first fill of each run are not recorded
>into epics data stream, therefore the first fill of each run appears with
>number 0 in charge file and dst fill tree. TB says he will fix it or have
>someone fix it.
>autosave saves all ntuples every 50k events(one line of dots), after
>first line of dots, one cas start to look at the results. autosave deletes
>the last key. however, Write() does not delete last key so in the end each
>tree has two keys. but that don't matter anyway.
>to open dst file one must load libBlast.so first. curiouse people can use
>the following to look at things:
>root [0] .L libBlast.so
>root [1] TFile f("dst-####.root", "r")
>root [2] .ls
>TFile** dst-3615.root
> TFile* dst-3615.root
> KEY: TTree EvEpics;2 Blast Epics Event Tree
> KEY: TTree EvEpics;1 Blast Epics Event Tree
> KEY: TTree EvScaler;2 Blast Scaler Event Tree
> KEY: TTree EvScaler;1 Blast Scaler Event Tree
> KEY: dstheader dstheader;1
> KEY: TTree FillHeader;1 Fill Header
> KEY: TTree EvPhysics;1 Blast Event Tree
>root [3] EvEpics->GetEntry(1)
>root [4] EvEpics->Show()
>======> EVENT:1
> Event = NULL
> fUniqueID = 0
> fBits = 50331648
> fTime = 1070609799
> fuTime = 637195
> fNEpics = 1
> fFillNumber = 0
> fEpics_Beam = 34.823002
> fBeamX = 0.852232
> fBeamY = -3.361645
> fBeamHel = 0
> fBlastField = 1.000108
> fHoldFieldL = 1.740000
> fHoldFieldT = -13.300000
> fCellT = 82.269997
> fLigit = 0.000000
> fCTube = 0.000000
> fDTube = 10.340438
> fFlow = 59.389500
>root [5] EvScaler->GetEntry(30)
>root [6] EvScaler->Show()
>======> EVENT:30
> Event = NULL
> fUniqueID = 0
> fBits = 50331648
> fTime = 1070609827
> fuTime = 600688
> fNScaler = 30
> fScalerHel = 0
> fScaler_Beam = 33.751732
> fBG_Beam = 21.224926
> fTargType = 1
> fTargGas = 1
> fTargDefined = 1
> fSpinBits = 129
> fBQMTop = 3693
> fBQMLeft = 1307
> fBQMBot = 2148
> fBQMRight = 728
This archive was generated by hypermail 2.1.2 : Mon Feb 24 2014 - 14:07:30 EST