Re: [BLAST_ANAWARE] Remaining tasks in sofrware

From: Adrian T Sindile (
Date: Mon Jan 05 2004 - 21:58:40 EST

Hi, Chi!

> 10. methods to fetch environmental files like emap, epicsmap, blast.sc_cal
> automatically. assuming those files in blast environment are always up to
> date, this is only useful for recrunching runs a long time ago, which does
> not seem to happen very often.

Since you are asking for suggestions - the best place to retrieve this
information from is the MySQL database; there you have (in the RUN table)
all this info for every run.
I was thinking of making my own recon code here at UNH query the database
automatically and use the right environment files from the archive...
that is when crunching in production mode, multiple runs back to back.
If people like the idea, I can help with this for the common codes too...


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