[BLAST_ANAWARE] Compton Analysis Premier

From: Taylan Akdogan (akdogan@mit.edu)
Date: Fri Jan 23 2004 - 18:42:21 EST


I imported the complete Compton source tree into the CVS
repository (in "control/compton"). I should take this opportunity
to thank Chris for providing an intense course on CVS yesterday.
I was keeping the changes since I started working on the new
version (called version 3) of this project since September. Thus,
I imported 18 different versions of the complete set with proper
date stamps. Now, it should be available to everyone easily.

Although, I am working on the documentation of the whole system,
I'll give a short premier just about the analysis part here.

2 notes:
1) I will assume you use "tcsh" as your login shell
2) Please use your own account for testing. DO NOT use blast
   account. And, do not attempt to install it system wide. (if
   the last request do not make any sense, it is just fine!)

I never compiled this using a different account than mine. So, if
you encounter any problem related to your environment settings,
let me know. And, I generally use "dblast09" computer for
development, and all the Compton data is also stored on the
scratch disk of this computer. Thus, I suggest you to use this
computer during your initial attempts.

Here is the short recipe to get the source code and compile it in
your "compton" directory:

setenv CVSROOT /home/blast/cvsroot
setenv CVSUMASK 000
mkdir compton
cd compton
mkdir src build
cd src
cvs checkout -d . control/compton
make install_local
cd ../build

Now, if you successfully issued all the commands above, you are
in the "build" directory where all the executables and the needed
input files are located. The analysis code is located in the
"compton_analyzer" subdirectory of the "src" directory.

The "compton_analyzer" program "accepts" (does not require) a
file name. The first example would be the following (assuming
that you are on "dblast09" computer for accessing the raw data

./compton_analyzer /scratch/dblast09/blast/comptondata/rr03_4142.dat

This will launch the program. When it is used as an offline
analyzer (like this example) it starts in "Paused" state. Press
"Process" button. The "Status" changes from "Paused" to
"Processing". Once it processes all the data in the file, the
status becomes "Idle" (meaning; it waits more data in case
something else is appended to the file. This is handy if a "pipe"
(a unix pipe, a named pipe, or a BSD socket -- in the case of
online processing) is used instead of a regular file). You will
have two polarization measurements on your "Result" page
(default) for the example file given above. And there will be
some more data in the buffer that has been accumulated since the
last (2nd) measurement, but not analyzed. If you want to make
another measurement using this "partial" data, press "Pol. Final"
button, which will create another measurement, possibly with
worse statistics due to being a partial fill (in case the run is
ended in the middle of a fill.)

Thus, it is best to analyze multiple runs in a raw, so it can
combine the partial fills (with the same fill number) from one
run to the next one.

--- o ---

The "compton_analyzer" assumes the "standard input" as the source
of the data, IF no file name or server name (in the case of
online analysis) is given. This is perfect to analyze/replay
multiple runs with a simple shell command. Example (assumes; you
are using dblast09 computer, again):

cat /scratch/dblast09/blast/comptondata/rr03_414?.dat | ./compton_analyzer

This command will process 10 runs from run 4140 to 4149. The
possibility of choosing a specific range is endless with this
structure! This time, it finds the polarization whenever a flip
occurs or the fill number changes, thus it combines the left-over
fills from two sequential runs as expected, until the end of the
last run file.

There are several buttons and options/settings on the graphical
user interface. Most of them are self explanatory, thus I will
skip them for now.

Since this premier is intended to be just a "getting started"
guide for COMPILING/USING the analysis program, I will stop at
this point. More documentation including the complete set of
components in addition to the "compton_analyzer" is being

Please, ask me if you should have any questions.


Taylan Akdogan Massachusetts Institute of Technology
akdogan@mit.edu Department of Physics
Phn:+1-617-258-0801 Laboratory for Nuclear Science
Fax:+1-617-258-5440 Room 26-402b

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