[BLAST_SHIFTS] Shift summary 02/19/2004 E (16-20)

From: Electronic Log Book (elog@blast05.lns.mit.edu)
Date: Thu Feb 19 2004 - 22:34:59 EST

Operators: baris zhangchi ----

data taking, D2 3states, beam helicity change fill by fill.

WC/LADS trip from time to time, a few boxes were lowered, but brought back to nominal DV later on.

TB fixed emap, start to see right TOF0 in onlineGUI. old runs may need to be recrunched when we find time (ed elastic analysis especially need the 0th TOF for timing cuts)

onlineGui tracking part is wroking, added red line histograms which represents tracking parameters with positive/negative type of events.

Judging from onlineGUI and nsed, there are HUGE number of positive, low momentum tracks going from 20-50cm upstream region into left sector.

It would be nice for both livetime and crunching time to reduce this background.

right sector also sees certain amount of background of the same nature but is much cleaner.

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