[BLAST_SHIFTS] Shift summary 02/27/2004 C (8-12)

From: Electronic Log Book (elog@blast05.lns.mit.edu)
Date: Fri Feb 27 2004 - 13:02:45 EST

Operators: yxiao egeis ----

5107 (good data) stopped prematurely due to trip with CCR. max oscillator? having problems and a power supply needed replacing. Finished at ~11:40. Used the time for Micheal to calibrate the timing in the LADS. Bill also needs about an hour with the beam to steer alignment with compton and spin flipper. Hopefully we'll resume running by ~3:30.

I have been noticing a great deal of discussion involving the spin flipper... If all goes well and running resumes... Would we like to take two full 500k ABS D2 runs, one with flipper on, one with flipper off?

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