Operators: seely seely seely
smooth data taking all night. ran pol D2. took 5385-5393 (~3.5 M events)
around 7am i stopped taking data so i could do a quick study of the BATs in the HVGUI and trigger. please see elog for details. the upshot is that the new HVGUI has the BATs and seems to work fine (thanks a lot adam!); with the proper trigger file loaded (newphys_BATS_no_C2TOF.settings) i can see 'PHYS4' events, which require BATs; and there seems to be no problem leaving the BATs MLU bits connected when the standard trigger file (newphys_no_C2TOF.settings) is used. so, for now, i have left the BATs MLU bits connected. if there seems to be a problem, feel free to disconnect these from the MLU panel since we are not using the BATs yet. there are jpegs of the scalars for different settings if anyone would like to compare rates, for example with the BATs in the MLU and not in the MLU. the rates look similar.
oh, about the HVGUI: i just reloaded the standard file (/pro2004/epics/hv_control/hvMainExpert.adl) please advise if this is the wrong file. i think it looks like the right one, with a few WC channels turned down:
L14 = 3800 V (this was how we ran all night tonight)
L15 = 3800 V ?
L21 = 3800 V ?
everything else is at 3850 V.
please leave BATs 'OFF' in HVGUI since we are not ready to use them yet!
plan for next shift is for OF to gainmatch the CC's in preparation for adding them to the trigger next week.
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