[BLAST_ANAWARE] buds are online, recrunch of December data, BlastLib2 version v3_1

From: Chris Crawford (chris2@lns.mit.edu)
Date: Fri Mar 19 2004 - 21:45:06 EST

  the buds are now available for crunching. i tested them on a recrunch
of the december data (500 runs, 30.7kC unpol + 27.7kC pol), located in
$ANALDIR/v3_1, which took about 2 days. half of the runs (3490-3785)
were crunched from the coda file, while the remainder (3787-4237) were
recrunched from dst (the set in $ANALDIR/dstest). there was a problem
with the ups's overloading, but now only a few buds give warnings, and
you can ignore them.
  the runs were crunched with Chi's WireCal k-factor calibrations, and
the resolution improved by roughly a factor of 2 down to 44 MeV (for all
tracks with Chi^2 as bad as 100000 (corresponding to 6cm wire resolution).
  i also tagged a stable version v3_1 of BlastLib2 to accompany the
recrunch. i'm still working on the extracted asymmetries and form
factor ratio--more to come..


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