[BLAST_SHIFTS] Shift summary 04/06/2004 E (16-20)

From: Electronic Log Book (elog@blast05.lns.mit.edu)
Date: Wed Apr 07 2004 - 02:00:07 EDT

Operators: kohlm clasie ----

The hall was open most of the day. Genya tuned the ABS for hydrogen and CCR began tuning the beam at around 10pm. Many cosmic runs were taken for the BATS during the shift runs 6309-6335.

The beam was tuned by midnight, then the BLASTroc caused problems. It would ping and respond to reboot commands, but coda would not download. The voltages on the fastbus power supplies were ok in both sectors. After a hard reboot, coda would download. Michael edited the new BATs trigger file as there were some empty lines and spaces (instead of three tabs) that would not allow the trigger GUI to verify with the crates. Coda also would not prestart and multiple crates were rebooted in the D-tunnel to fix this.

The new beam tune has 26 min lifetime, BQM T 90, L 35, B 65, R 28, and WC scalers both around 45.

Ligit is at around 6.4 e-8 Torr, which is close to 6.8/7.0e-8 that Tancredi had suggested was a good number. Michael said that the BATS trigger PHYS4 was low (~5Hz) and would cause problems with the dead time. The target is flipping between |1> and |3>.

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