Here is the plot that I should have included in my talk at the analysis
meeting. I was playing with extracting neutron asymmetry by simply
selecting a quisi-elastic kinamatics, determined by purely electron side
and selecting neutron in a final state (trig 2). This of course is very
coarse since there is no information about neutron momentum.
Effectively I select all quesi-elastic neutrons regardless to the final
state kinematics. The effect of that is "washing" out the asymmetry
since it is in fact a function of a final state kinematics. However, as
it turned out there is some asymmetry that remained. I did the same to
the blastmc predictions for GeN=Galster (gray filled area) and GeN=0.0
(red filled area) in order to be compare apples to apples. Blastmc
asymmetry was then multiplied by extracted beam-target asymmetry from
proton channel (dil. ~ 0.5 on both side), which still needs to be studied.
Few comments:
1) The quesi-elastic peak is clearly visisble for low Q^2 (Q^2 < 0.35
GeV/c^2) . It is broadened by motion of neutrons and resolution.
2) Looking at the raw data Mike and I clearly saw contamination from
neutral gammas. It is unclear as to what extent these gammas contribute
to a quasi-elastic peak.
3) Background has not been accounted for here. This is something that I
need to do next.
4) Left and right asymmetries are same as in proton plots.
5) Only left asymmetry is sensative to GeN. Right asymmetry is mostly
due to kinamtic factors.
6) Longer blastmc is needed to reduce gray/red areas
Cheer, Vitaliy
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