[BLAST_SHIFTS] Shift summary 04/10/2004 F (20-24)

From: Electronic Log Book (elog@blast05.lns.mit.edu)
Date: Sat Apr 10 2004 - 23:40:22 EDT

Operators: ajmasch franklin ----

relatively smooth data taking. was worried that the "rate N" macro was not showing any elastics in recent runs. however, tancredi sent an e-mail saying it wasn't working. plus, the show_ep_asym macro shows good asymmetries.

around 9:00pm, a transmitter died. CCR called in someone. they had to "raise the modular deck for the transmitter" or something that sounded like that. net result is no beam from 9:00 until midnight or 1:00am-ish.

good runs:

6448 6450-6457

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