[BLAST_ANAWARE] corrections to DGen, etc.

From: Vitaliy Ziskin (vziskin@mit.edu)
Date: Fri Apr 30 2004 - 16:51:12 EDT

I fixed few things in DGen, today. The biggest change was a correction to
the definition of q vector in the center of mass. This has bearing on all
longitutinal pieces of the asymmetries, since we mutiply them by
q(lab)/q(cms) factor. I include a plot in which I compare theory for the
ep elastic vector asymmetry(solid line) with d(e,e'p)n at zero missing
momentum (dashed). Note that the agreement is achieved only when I
mutilply deuterium asymmetry by a factor of sqrt(3./2). But we knew this
all along, right? I still think that what we are doing with vector
asymmetry is right, but I'm investigating. I started a large blastmc job
on spud5. I appologize for clogging a spud with my jobs but this was a
matter of convinience. Beside, I don't expect a lot of crunching this
weekend. But just in case, please do not crunch on spud5 this weekend,
or at least get in touch with me first.

                        Cheers, Vitaliy

Vitaliy Ziskin                                Tel: (617)253-9209
MIT 26-547                          http://www.lns.mit.edu/people/vziskin/
77 Massachusetts Ave
Cambridge, Ma
        "For long you live and high you fly
         And smiles you'll give and tears you'll cry
         And all you touch and all you see
         Is all your life will ever be"--Pink Floyd


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