[BLAST_ANAWARE] updated results from deuterium running

From: Vitaliy Ziskin (vziskin@mit.edu)
Date: Mon May 03 2004 - 11:26:18 EDT

After I corrected DGen and found out a target angle I reran the blastmc.
Here are the results:

Vector (Pe*Pz):
Left : 0.54 \pm 0.02
Right: 0.51 \pm 0.02

Tensor (Pzz)

Left: 0.54 \pm 0.09
Right: 0.65 \pm 0.11

I include two pictures. The first one is the asymmetry vs. Q^2. It is to
show mainly that I get the same result whether I extract the polarization
with Arenhovel's model or elastic form factor ration from Hoehler (top two
plots). Also, notice that left and right sides finaly agree. Second
picture is the vector asymmetry vs. missing momentum with Q^2 < 0.35, the
gray band is the blastmc run for 300 hours. Though tensor quasielastic
analysis needs to addressed some more, I'm almost convinced that we are
doing the vector analysis right. Let me know what you think.

                Best regards, Vitaliy

Vitaliy Ziskin Tel: (617)253-9209
MIT 26-547 http://www.lns.mit.edu/people/vziskin/
77 Massachusetts Ave
Cambridge, Ma
        "For long you live and high you fly
         And smiles you'll give and tears you'll cry
         And all you touch and all you see
         Is all your life will ever be"--Pink Floyd



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