[BLAST_ANAWARE] minutes analysis meeting 5/12

From: Tancredi Botto (tancredi@lns.mit.edu)
Date: Wed May 12 2004 - 14:19:17 EDT

NOTES: Next "big" meeting friday 5/21 with
        a focus on montecarlo

        Yuan/Aki to start looking at epi+ channels
        (following prev work by jason, chi)

_ Discrepancy Pz, Pzz (GT)
        _ analyzed Pz in different vector states (uses beam hel flip)
                Pz(V+) = 77+-6 Pz(V-) = -79+-6 Pz(T)= 2+-3 (all in %)
                at the same time Pzz = 53 + 3
        _ effect SFT inefficiency amplifies in Pzz realtive to Pz
        _ Makes one possible scenario using values
                        MFT14:0.95 MFT34:0.98 sft:0.90 WFT:0.98
                        6-poles:0.95 unpol-stuff:0.98 depol:0.80
        _ other choices possible... choose to play with the depolarization effect

_ Neutron timing (MK): see last meeting

_ Wch alignement (AM): _ tried various shifts (~ 5 mm) of all 3 changes
                        _ no effect on resolution of mc data
                        _ actually focus is on systematic shifts

_ Montecarlo (NM): _ not reconstructing L/R
                        _ must be a bug

_ Reconstruction:

        t2d: _ EG shows dx=(x0+x2+2x1) vs x1 cell by cell
                        _ "all" stub types included now
                        _ very forward cells dominated by stub crossing the
                                wire plane (close to at least one wire)

                _ long discussion about discontinous dx due to sign assignement of wire hit
                   (i.e. stub type) note, while tdc distributin continuous
                _ How can we minimize the effect of this ambiguity ?

                        _ need to apply varying weight to small Xdrift hits in newton (CC)
                        essentially ignore the 3rd hit if very close to wire (but use other 2)

                        _ CZ: can also flip small x_drift to see what fits best

        _ Note: dx is still not centered at 0 which likely to be due to bad offsets
                _ DH: this would also cause the banana shape for stubs 0,7
                _ new(er) offsets may be needed

        _ EG: Clearly worse theta:p correlation for electrons (forward region)
           than protons
                _ seems due mostly to e-momentum
                _ selecting tracks only in linear region only possible at mid-chamber
                        _ but then the resolution not really seem much bettter

        t2d and track angle correction:
                _ CC,DH: still need to check current t2d with orignal Garfield
                        _ this to understand t2d(impact angle)
                        _ Otherwise t2d parametrization of track angle seems coded correctly!

        action plan:
                _ offset correction
                _ weight at small xdrift
                _ check garfield vs t2d

Tancredi Botto,  		phone: +1-617-253-9204  mobile: +1-978-490-4124
research scientist		MIT/Bates, 21 Manning Av    Middleton MA, 01949

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