[BLAST_ANAWARE] minimum BAT info added to ep_skim structure in lrn and lrd

From: Adrian T Sindile (asindile@cisunix.unh.edu)
Date: Fri Jun 11 2004 - 11:07:14 EDT

I have added minimum BAT info to the ep_skim structure in lrn and lrd.
Four new files (ASBat.h/cc ASBatCc.h/cc) have been added to BlastLib2 to
store hits in the Bats and the Cerenkovs in front of the Bats.
These files are only relevant to the ep_skim tree, they will not affect
the general ntuples or DST.

I modified the relevant parts of lrn and lrd to include BATs in my event
selection. The ep_skim tree is now created when there are at least one
track in each sector OR at least one track in a sector AND BAT hits in the
other sector. Makefile.in (and ep_skim.h, ep_skim_LinkDef.h) has also
been modified accordingly.

I only tested this for run 6858, lrn runs fine. I have not tested lrd, but
it should not create problems.
I know these BATs events are pretty rare but I was expecting to see
something for run 6858 (70K event run). There were no BAT hits correlated
with a track on the other side. Only the right sector Cerenkov box in
front of the BATs gave me a few hits after the event selection...

I guess we'll see what I get after the recrunch. Please compile the latest
versions of lrn and lrd from the head CVS branch before recrunching, so
that I can get these BATs hits in ep_skim...
Thank you!


Adrian Sindile
Research Assistant
Nuclear Physics Group
University of New Hampshire
phone: (603)862-1691
FAX: (603)862-2998
email: asindile@alberti.unh.edu

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