Haiyan and fellow H(e,e'p) enthusiasts,
I am submitting the following abstract to the BLAST steering
committee, and would appreciate any corrections/suggestions you have.
--thanks, Chris
+ We are undertaking a measurement of $G_E^p/G_M^p$
- at $Q^2$ = 0.1--0.9 (GeV/c)$^2$
- in the South Hall Ring of the Bates Linear Accelerator Facility.
+ This experiment uses
- a highly polarized electron beam,
- an internal polarized atomic hydrogen gas target
. with negligible dilution,
- and the symmetric Bates Large Acceptance Spectrometer Toriod (BLAST)
. detector package.
+ We exploit simultaneous measurements
. of the spin-dependent \vec H(\vec e,e'p) asymmetry
. over all values of $Q^2$
. in both halves of the symmetric detector
- to extract the form factor ratio
. independent of beam and target polarization
. and insensitive to the spin angle.
+ Recent H(\vec e,e' \vec p) data from Jefferson Lab on the form factor
- are inconsistent with previous unpolarized L-T extractions,
. including a recent high precision H(e,p)e' experiment,
- indicating the possible importance of the two photon exchange
. and higher order terms.
+ This experiment is the first precision measurement of $G_E^p/G_M^p$
- using both polarized beam and target,
- and has completely different systematics than previous experiments.
+ Preliminary results will be presented.
Douglas Hasell wrote:
> Hi Chris,
> Could you draft an abstract for a short (10-15 minute) talk on ep
> elastic scattering from polarised H for review by the BLAST Steering
> committee. I need this not later than Thursday so I can present it to
> the BLAST steering committee on Friday.
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