hi, peter:
1) in general, the last KINE line that the blastMC reads (whether it be
from the fort.99 file or the command prompt) is the one that wins. it is
setup to read the fort.99 file first and then give you a chance to enter
things at the prompt. if you change the fort file to read your desired
kinematics and then do NOT enter anything otherwise at the command prompt
(except "TRIG XXX", of course) then the blastMC will use whatever is in
the fort file. p.s. make sure that, when you enter the KINE statement in
the fort file, the FIRST argument is entered in integer format and that
all the remaining arguments are entered in floating point format:
KINE 3 1.0 1.0 1.0 47.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 11.0
KINE 3 1 1 1 47 0 0 0 11
otherwise you'll get yelled at by the program, and the results are
2) ignore the lines spit out that read:
*** GTRACK *** More than 3000 steps, tracking abandoned!
if you notice in your fort file, there is a command that's something
like "NSTP". this is the maximum number of steps that GEANT will try to
propagate a particle. sometimes, though, particles curve too much and end
up doing infinite circles in the blastMC. this is why a maximum number of
steps must be entered; else GEANT would keep the particle circling
forever. anyway, as long as the above error messages aren't happening too
often, then your NSTP parameter is just fine and the data is good. don't
worry; 3000 steps is just fine. the resulting event.coda file is fine.
good luck!
On Wed, 23 Jun 2004, Peter Karpius wrote:
> Hey Aaron-
> I have been reading your wonderful documentation for blastmc (you
> really must write a book someday - I am sure that it will become a
> standard text no matter what the subject - well done) Anyway, I think I
> have set things up finally and am writing a huge event.coda file to my
> /scratch/bud04 dir. The error I was having last week was due to fortran's
> fussiness over length of lines and syntax blah blah. Anyway, the MC is
> running with KINE 10 1 1 1 47 0 0 0 11 which hopefully gives me the
> elastic channel. I have two questions:
> 1) I did modify the KINE line in fort 99 with this but does the input of
> this line at the GEANT prompt override that??
> 2) As the mc is spitting out events it is giving me the following:
> *** GTRACK *** More than 3000 steps, tracking abandoned!
> what does this mean? Is this file not usable?
> Thanks,
> Pete
> ----------------------------------------------
> Pete Karpius
> Graduate Research Assistant
> Nuclear Physics Group
> University of New Hampshire
> phone: (603)862-1220
> FAX: (603)862-2998
> email: karpiusp@einstein.unh.edu
> http://pubpages.unh.edu/~pkarpius/homepage.htm
> ----------------------------------------------
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