I am the run coordinator for this week. The plan is to measure polarized
D2 with the new storage cell. Tomorrow I will come in later but I will be
reachable by phone. Below a summary of the experiment status
_ abs was regenerated (twice?) but pol data taken only starting today.
Last night's data mostly empty target or junk.
_ CCR returned the beam to optimize Wch scaler rates. Presently running
with a ~20 % deadtime at the top of the fill (125-130 mA)
_ DAQ status: please see yesterday's note.
From runs 8640-8642 overnight we lose 350/45212 (0.7%) of the right-tof
tdc in trigger 1. At the same time, we lost no l-tof tdc's. Please keep
monitoring the situation
_ Please remember to crunch all data we put on "tape"
_ Please keep the runlist-d2.3 "readable". Too many runs are labelled
"JUNK" when actually they are
a) empty files or never started (the 9th run jinx)
b) the data is fine, the roc dies before the 250 k mark
c) lrn crashes on a certain event (data is still fine).
d) the run is indeed junk, some detectors or the bad is bad or the
configuration/trigger is wrong
please try to be more informative. Runs of type b) or c) can be
-- tancredi
Tancredi Botto, phone: +1-617-253-9204 mobile: +1-978-490-4124
research scientist MIT/Bates, 21 Manning Av Middleton MA, 01949
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