I've never tried ssh to a ROC. I always use telnet. And the tty
process was probably the rocR_start terminal that is in the same workspace
as the main RunControl screen (this is a Kermit connection between the ROC
and opitrig1's serial port). Hopefully in that window you can hit carriage
return and see a -> prompt. At that prompt type reboot and hit
carriage return. That should reboot the ROC; you should see VxWorks
loading and everything. Then in RunControl you need to click Abort, then
Download, and you should be back in business. We have 2 serial ports on
opitrig1, connected to rocL and rocR, with Kermit windows rocL_start and
Only very rarely have I had to go to the D Tunnel and press the
hardware restart button, or power-cycle the FASTBUS crate. Maybe this was
one of those times.
At 09:11 AM 10/17/2004 -0400, Electronic Log Book wrote:
>Operator: egeis
>RocR failed at about 4am... I couldn't ssh into it from opitrig1... was
>locked by a tty process... I rebooted rocL and still no luck. Had to run
>to d-tunnel and reboot everything.
>One HV hang...
>Few trips....
>One bad fill...
>Runs of ABS D2: 11971-11973 11976-11979
>pol.log of 10/15 thru 10/16 morning
>04-10-15 A 0.548 +- 0.053 0.415 +-
>0.044 1.48kC
>04-10-15 B 0.567 +- 0.050 0.495 +-
>0.040 1.68kC
>04-10-15 C 0.496 +- 0.042 0.492 +-
>0.034 2.32kC
>04-10-15 <ALL> 0.529 +- 0.027 0.472 +- 0.022 0.664 +-
>0.086 5.48kC
>04-10-16 A 0.440 +- 0.041 0.533 +-
>0.034 2.42kC
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