Hi folks-
After suggestions yesterday to extract T10 I have done this and it
is shown in the attached plot. This question of the sign of T10 rears its
ugly head again however and now I am thinking that it is positive as this
is what the data are telling me. The
problem is that it all comes down to a convention and symmetry properties
relating analyziing powers and polarization tensors. The 2nd Q2
point is consistent with zero but the first is not. Anyway, please take
a look at the attached plots and let me know what you think. Note that I
am now using P_z = 0.46 as opposed to 0.5. In the mean time I will
address the other fixes to my talk.
Pete Karpius
Graduate Research Assistant
Nuclear Physics Group
University of New Hampshire
phone: (603)978-6152
FAX: (603)862-2998
email: karpiusp@einstein.unh.edu
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