[BLAST_SHIFTS] Shift summary 10/31/2004 A (1-9)

From: Electronic Log Book (elog@blast05.lns.mit.edu)
Date: Sun Oct 31 2004 - 08:39:24 EST

Operator: shino

At the beginning of the shift, there was a ring rf problem. Also, the HV crate had to be rebooted once because the GUI stuck at "restore in progress" mode.

Karen's try for avoiding the 9th run problem did not work for run # 12221.

At the end of run # 12224, /dblast07/scratch disk became full so I am not sure if this run is ok or not. The data files for run # 12200-12219 were deleted on the disk for the space for new runs.

Cranching on run # 12222 crashed, which might be related to the time reversal of the clock during the data taking.

The ligit pressure is steadily decreasing from 9.0x10^-8 torr (1am) to 7.5x10^-8 torr (8 am) . I am not sure when is the time to stop polarized hydrogen data taking.

Good runs : 12220 12223 12225-12227


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