Start up of the accelerator has been somewhat delayed by a vacuum window
failure and water leak at the front end which affected power distribution
system for the chopper. Repairs have been carried out over the past two
days and are now complete. It is expected that tune-up of the linac will
commence tonight, allowing any problems encountered to be addressed during
the day shift tomorrow.
At noon tomorrow, the ABS target vacuum chamber will be closed and pump
down will begin. The South Hall will be secured in the afternoon.
This will allow tuning to the Ring to commence on Friday evening if the
linac tune is successful. Ops will take the overnight shift on Friday
for tuning the Ring.
If all goes well, BLAST shifts will begin on Saturday, Feb. 4 at 9:00
a.m., but check e-mail and the log book for further updates.
-- ********************************************************************** Wilbur A. Franklin * Phone: 617-253-9518 Bates Linear Accelerator Center * FAX: 617-253-9599 P.O. Box 846 * Email: Middleton, MA 01949 * **********************************************************************
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