[BLAST_SHIFTS] Shift summary 03/27/2005 C (17-1)

From: Electronic Log Book (elog@blast05.lns.mit.edu)
Date: Mon Mar 28 2005 - 01:09:45 EST

Operator: mcilhany

Operator: Mcilhany

Generally smooth running except for:
17:00 Set WC L21 to 3825V due to multiple trips within the last hour.
18:00 Set WC L21 back to 3850V after one hour of stable operation.
18:49 Vaccum Event on run 14708.
23:45 Shannon raises peak current to 215mA. After two fills, he returns to 210mA due to instabilities seen at injection.
00:50 HV event - several trips - reset.

Runs collected this shift: 14707-14708 14710-14715

Based on show_deep_asm_all_47.C for B-shift on 3/26/05:
0.482 +- 0.053 0.470 +- 0.035 4.06 kC

Thats all folks,

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