Operator: mcilhany
17:51 - Run 14735 - brought WC R24 back up to 3850V
20:05 - Run 14736 - run ended prematurely by hung HV crate - stuck "In Restore"
20:10-21:00 - Run 14737 - bad run - several bad attempts at bringing HV back up however, after reading instructions carefully, brought up the HV correctly - now smooth running.
21:05 - Run 14738 - so far so good... CCR thinks the problems we are having might be related to the nozzle beginning to clog up, but I think it is a little too early for that. C1 Disassociator is still between 9.14-9.18 - and Genya advises that at 9.4 we should worry.
21:30 - CCR lowers the peak injection current to 200mA from 210mA.. CCR thinks this will improve the stability of the tune.
21:40 - WC L7 tripped enough times to lower it to 3825V. WC L21 was lowered as well.
23:00 - WC L21 lowered to 3800 after several more trips.
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