Re: [BLAST_ANAWARE] Minutes of the analysis meeting on 5/4/20

From: Chi Zhang (zhangchi@MIT.EDU)
Date: Fri Apr 22 2005 - 13:00:49 EDT

ÒýÓÃ Michael Kohl <kohlm@MIT.EDU>:

> Attending VZ,TA,DH,AM,BF,MK.
> -LDCCT calibration:
> +new calibration implemented in BlastLib v3.4.7
> +effective since run 15214
> +2005 runs before 15214 need to be recrunched
> +beam-related raw scalers are written to DST, so lrd-recrunch should be
> sufficient

I am afraid this is not true, I do not remember writing raw DCCT into DST. the
idea was that DST contains high level information than the raw file. It is also
not true that lrd can enforce the new calibration, lrd does not touch raw/scaler
tree at all. either we wait for a new lrn recrunch session or a new program (I
fear a fairly tricky one) is needed.

> +reduced normalized coincidence rate had been observed at high currents
> before LDCCT was recalibrated, needs to be checked now after.

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