Michael Kohl wrote:
>Hi (Chris and Chi),
>I'm in the process of preparing an lrd-recrunch for the 2005 runs.
>Mark is working on the timing calibration of the outer detectors.
>Am I right with the following: (??)
>-Version 3.4.10 is tagged according to Chris' sticky elog message but not
> yet linked in the blast account, however it should be used for the
> recrunch.
there are no substantial changes between v3.4.10 and the head. now that
online crunching is complete, i linked lrn,lrd to this version.
>-The generated dst also contains the applied calibration constants (for
> both lrn and lrd)
>-CloneDst.C needs to be run on top of lrd-generated DSTs.
>-we need a "patch" to recalibrate the charge in the DSTs for runs between
> 13267 and 15213 (from 15214 we used the new calibration for crunching)
> I suggest that this is gonna be done with a dedicated macro that reads
> the complete dst tree, recalibrates the charge ntuple, and writes a new
> dst.
>-does this have to be done before "lrd" is invoked on those runs with the
> old charge calibration?
>-From Chi's elog messages I conclude that running "lrn" on any run after
> 4011 will use the new calibration.
>Thank you and regards
> Michael
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