[BLAST_ANAWARE] Autocruncher and BlastLib2 v3_4_11 tag

From: Taylan Akdogan (akdogan@MIT.EDU)
Date: Fri Jun 24 2005 - 18:59:09 EDT

Hi Michael,

The new autocruncher is ready for the big recrunch. It is in
/home/daq/blast/autocruncher directory. I tried to implement
everything I thought necessary for the recrunch. If I left
anything else out, please let me know.

Also, in the process, the lrn needed a minor change, and lrd
was changed to take advantage of the autocruncher. I committed
the changes into CVS, and tagged them as v3_4_11 (I think),
and made the necessary links in bin directory to make them
default for the blast account.

Here are the summary of changes seen by the user (This is part
of the README file located in /home/daq/blast/autocruncher/src):

- A_serverlist is removed. Use A_config instead. See the
   example A_config file in this directory.

- It is possible to export blast environments to the remote servers.
   This is configured through A_config, and it is useful for
   different set of recrunch jobs, if you want to route the output
   files, and use different PARAM directory.

- It is possible to request more than one job per run
   (example lrn, then root charge.C). This is configured
   through A_config.

- It recognizes #####-##### run number range notation in A_runlist
   file, and sends the runs one-by-one. The A_runlist file is also
   reformatted, whenever user changes it. A_runlist's inode does
   not change after run submissions (this used to confuse emacs.)

- There is no hard coded path, everything is defined according
   to the current path where you start the autocruncher. You
   can copy the whole autocruncher directory, and start it at
   that point. The daemons running on the servers will aware of this
   automatically. This is handy for the next item.

- It is possible to run more than one autocruncher sessions. They
   should be completely independent. Each autocruncher sees what
   is running on the servers, but takes actions only for those
   submitted by itself.

- It is possible to share the servers between several autocruncher
   sessions; all of them will obey the process limits. Scheduling is
   handled by "first-come-first-serve" basis. On average they should
   get equal shares. The only requirement is having the complete
   autocruncher files in a different directory. Just copy with
   "cp -a ~blast/autocruncher newplace ; cd newplace", configure
   the A_config file, and start it. It is recommended to have
   different labels for the jobs (see A_config COMMAND) to
   distinguish the jobs visually (even this is not a requirement,
   as the owned processes are marked as '*' on the screen.)

- The daemons running on servers quit automatically after
   autocruncher exits, and restarted when the autocruncher is
   started. The information regarding the ongoing processes
   are preserved.

- And, a minor improvement: It shows the number of runs waiting
   in the queue.

- Complete source code is in /home/daq/blast/autocruncher/src

And, off course I should add that, I tested this and I expect it
to be working just fine, but in case it behaves badly under heavy
load, let me know.


Taylan Akdogan              Massachusetts Institute of Technology
akdogan@mit.edu                             Department of Physics
Phn:+1-617-258-0801                Laboratory for Nuclear Science
Fax:+1-617-258-5440                                   Room 26-559

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