From: Eugene J. Geis (Eugene.Geis@asu.edu)
Date: Tue Jun 28 2005 - 16:28:13 EDT

Hello Blasters,
I finally simulated a lesser energy electron at a higher polar angle of 60 degrees off Blast-Z. Results
show that the particle does fall outside the resolution (200 microns) of the WC's where the WC's are
located, but the magnitude of the difference of the resultant momentum difference is negligible... 0.14
MeV at the highest discrepancy. The actual path length of the simulated particle is 350 cm's. The
trajectory and velocity are tracked over 1 cm steps. That 350 cm path length is the x-axis of these
graphs. The y-axis is the magnitude difference of the vectors at each step, |v1-v2|.
Conclusion: Shielding is almost completely undetectable.


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