more on 2005 (e,e'p)n rate

From: Renee H Fatemi (
Date: Mon Sep 05 2005 - 17:39:31 EDT

Hi Vitaliy,

I looked at % of events removed for each cut in the 2004/2005 (e,e'p)n
analysis. I found that 2.2/2.4% of events survived exactly the same series
of cuts (no MM or kinematic corrections). Yet the rate of ep_coin/kC for
each year is 19.36/16.52 -> about a 15% reduction. From this the
difference seems to be in the charge. We are looking at different channels
but I would be interested to see if your analysis give the same results,
ie similar reduction in #events from 2004-2005 but still a different rate.

One other difference is that the rate of ep_coin in 2004 was equal for the
R/L sector but in 2005 the electron L side had about 20% for events than

Just another clue...

P.S. I chose runs 15392-15398 from 2005 which are after the charge
calibration changed, so this shouldn't be an explaination/issue.

On Fri, 2 Sep 2005, vziskin wrote:

> Dear all,
> I include two graphs similar to the ones in my thesis for the 2005
> data. The first is the rate per coulomb for each run and the second is
> the histogram of the rate. The mean rate is about 0.76 \pm 0.1.
> Compare that to 1.05 \pm 0.11 from 2004. Correspondingly the mean rate
> in 2005 is about 72 % of 2005. Of course the mean rate is not average.
> It is if the rate is not current dependent (like in 2004). So I expect
> the average current to be even lower. One thing to note is in the first
> plot the rate is higher at the beginning and the end of the run period.
> These are the times when the injection current was kept lower. So,
> where is the missing rate.
> Best regards,
> Vitaliy

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