Re: Minutes of the analysis meeting on 10/18/2005

From: Adrian T Sindile (
Date: Wed Oct 19 2005 - 17:25:09 EDT

Hi, Michael!
About momentum resolution in ep elastic - here is a plot I quickly found
while looking for something to show:

In the first two rows of this plot I have:
1) P_el - P_el(Theta_el) as a function of Theta_el;
2) P_pr - P_pr(Theta_pr) as a function of Theta_pr.
The other rows are for similar and hopefully obvious comparisons.

I believe the first is the relevant one (it shows the difference between
electron momentum and the calculated electron momentum using electron
theta, as a function of electron theta, for both left and right sectors -
and both means and sigmas are shown for each theta bin - bins of 1 degree
were used).

I am not sure we can conclude the resolution is worse at higher electron
angle... but please tell me what you think by looking at the plot.


> On momentum resolution:
> - In e,e'n VZ sees a worse resolution (width of the quasielastic peak in
> the W-Spectrum towards higher Q2, exceeding the Fermi-broadening
> - Not confirmed by the elastic peak in ed-elastic (CZ), however the
> phase-space (or electron angle-momentum combination) in ed elastic is
> different from e,e'N quasielastic.
> - The worse resolution at higher Q2 should be apparent in ep elastic
> (Chris, Adrian?), which covers a similar region of angle and momenta
> compared to quasielastic. If people could comment ...

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