concerning the +zf option ("-zf" means minus zf which turns it off). Ben
implemented the linear tracking before he left BLAST. I believe the code
works. you can visually see the linear tracker working the command:
nsed 15772 MagField.Magnitude=0
the problem here is because the linear tracker works with only
the segments, it does not link to individual hits so now WC hits are
booked into the DST which makes it hard to do calibration from it.
On Tue, 25 Oct 2005, Michael Kohl wrote:
> Attending DH, KD, JC, VZ, NM, MK.
> Agenda:
> -Status of straight track analysis
> -Status of recrunch
> -Date for Collaboration meeting
> -Meeting schedule and agendas for November
> -Going around
> -Status of straight track analysis
> DH reports on status of straight track analysis. Goal is to see if
> corrections to wire positions are supported by straight tracks. Right now
> the resolution dx = x_1 + x_3 - 2x_2 is quite bad for the zero field runs.
> Suggested better event selection, constrain event sample with elastic
> events. This selection of a straight track sample should be based on
> TOF-TOF coplanarity and time correlation. It would be best provided by an
> lrn analysis without tracking. DH's analysis of straight tracks however
> starts from raw coda data, thus it is not so easy to apply the relevant
> cuts. Is there a way to filter Coda data with elastic cuts (coplanarity
> and timing) and then write the filtered events back to Coda format? This
> would provide a much cleaner sample for Doug's analysis (hit multiplicity
> is several tens or hundreds hits per event and makes it extremely hard to
> find the right tracks. Also, the question was raised what the status of
> the "-zf" option in lrn is.
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