Hi Doug,
I have a complete list for the 2004 december data, that I used for
calibration of the TOF's, so I know the detector was together. I
can't guarantee the lights were turned out, but at least the timing
is correct. After that, the best I can do right now is include a
jumble of all my notes from which you could compile a run list. I'm
also including a file with a MYSQL compilation of all marked cosmics
runs and their length since run 4858.
Dec H2 cosmics:
12314-12315 12317-12318 2004-11-04
12664-12665 12667-12672 2004-11-16
12865-12869 12871 2004-11-24
12987-12990 2004-11-30
13029-13032 2004-12-02 (declared ABS)
13107-13109 2004-12-07
13121 2004-12-08
13139 13141 2004-12-09
13214 2004-12-13
13221-13224 2004-12-14
Id: blast,v 1.136 2005/04/06 01:41:03 chris2 Exp $ -*-outline-*-
* cosmic list
cosmics: 11316-11319 11321-11322
9/28/04 Empty Target: 11530-11535 11537
Cosmics: 11538 11539
9/28/04 Empty Target: 11530-11535 11537
Cosmics: 11538 11539
9/29/04 - SINGLES PRESCALE CHANGED FROM 3 TO 9!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cosmics: 11716 11717 11775 11866-11869 12031 12032 12039-12041
(11866 had WCs OFF)
12314-12315 12317-12318 2004-11-04
12664-12665 12667-12672 2004-11-16
12865-12869 12871 2004-11-24
12987-12990 2004-11-30
13029-13032 2004-12-02 (declared ABS)
13107-13109 2004-12-07
13121 2004-12-08
13139 13141 2004-12-09
13214 2004-12-13
13221-13224 2004-12-14
cosmics: 13513 13514 13537 13538
cosmics: 13882-13883
+ RUNLIST.2004
BATs Cosmic runs
6309-6355 7403
+ pol.log
04-10-08 B Cosmics <n/a> <n/
a> 11775
04-10-12 B Cosmics <n/a> <n/
a> 11866-11869
04-10-20 A Cosmics <n/a> <n/
a> 12031 12032 12039-12041 right wc bad
+ mysql commands
from RUN where RunNumber>12143 and (Target='COSMICS' or
GasType='COSMICS') order by RunNumber;
select RunNumber,StartTime,StopTime,(unix_timestamp(concat(left
(StartTime,10),right(StartTime,6))))/60 as Time from RUN where
RunNumber>=4747 and Target='COSMICS' and (unix_timestamp(concat(left
(StartTime,10),right(StartTime,6))))/60 > 5;
unix_timestamp(concat(left(StartTime,10),right(StartTime,6))))/60 as
Time from RUN where RunNumber>=4747 and (Target='COSMICS' or
GasType='COSMICS') and (unix_timestamp(concat(left(StopTime,10),right
(StartTime,6))))/60 > 5 order by RunNumber;
+ see below: pro2004 cosmics runs
x cosmic 50 7149-7157
+ see below: time calibration, proof of principle
root -l lr.C 2606 2607 2608 2609 2610 2612 2613 2615 2617 2618
* pro2004 cosmics runs
4265 (1/12), 4269, 4271,4272(1/13), 4273,5(1/14)
+ from 2003-11-20_sccal/RUNLIST.cosmic
from mysql: 3566 3568 3569 3570 3586 3587 3588 3589 3590 3593 3598
3700 3702 3703 3705 3706 3707 3708 3709 3711 3712 3714
3566 3568 3569 current analysis
3570 bad timing
3586 3587 3588 3589 3590 cosmics, nil runs!
3591 no elog
3593 huge run, cal trigger
3594 no elog
3700 after storm
3702 3703 3705 3706 3709 3711 3712 3713 3714 newphys: actually abs!
data rates:
3718 abs 17min 376M -> 22.M/min
3700 cos 17min 17M -> .61M/min
3593 cos 19h 558M -> .48M/min
test runs: (physics)
3543 3544 3547 3548 3549 3550 3551 3552 3553 3555 3556 3557 3558
3559 3560
from mysql:
3828 3829 3830 3831 3832 3833 3834 3835 3836 3837 3838 3839 3840
3985 3987 4009 4010 4072 4073 4075 4076 4077
4009, 4010 tues before collab mtg
4073 good cosmics run
+ 2004/05/06
7149 - l1_trig configuration
7150-7151 7155-7157 - cosmic configuration (l1_trig w/o prescales)
7163 - small 45 min run
setenv ANALDIR /data/Analysis/data
root -b -l -q filter.C -c 1 -o v3_1/flr/lr-50.root lr 7149-7155
TA-53/MPF-1/D111 P-23 MS H803
LANL, Los Alamos, NM 87545
505-665-9804(o) 665-4121(f) 662-0639(h)
On Mar 6, 2006, at 21:13:56, Michael Kohl wrote:
> Hi Doug,
> welcome back. How was skiing? I hope your bones are all intact.
> Over the weekend I generated a list of cosmics runs of 2005 that
> should have BLAST closed, turned on all detectors, have the right
> trigger etc. The file with this list is attached. I'm still working
> on a corresponding list for 2004.
> Could you compare this list with Chris' cosmics list?
> It would be great if you could run your straight track analysis
> with those runs.
> You should initialize the electronics map from the database which
> has been verified at least back to beginning of 2004 (4000's).
> Is there an easy way to fit a cosmic track through all 6 chambers
> in both sectors simultaneously which could be more redundant than
> tracking in each sector separately? (Or how difficult would it be
> to implement this?
> In principle, one could compare the position of the hit (or
> segment) in each of the 6 chambers relative to the position of the
> fitted track at the chamber of consideration (and histogram this
> difference for each chamber). This way we could obtain 5 relative
> chamber offsets modulo one global offset of the entire wire
> chamber, instead of one relative offset in each sector. Let me know
> what you think.
> Best regards,
> Michael
> +-------------------------------------+--------------------------+
> | Office: | Home: |
> |-------------------------------------|--------------------------|
> | Dr. Michael Kohl | Michael Kohl |
> | Laboratory for Nuclear Science | 5 Ibbetson Street |
> | MIT-Bates Linear Accelerator Center | Somerville, MA 02143 |
> | Middleton, MA 01949 | U.S.A. |
> | U.S.A. | |
> | - - - - - - - - - - - - | - - - - - - - - -|
> | Email: kohlm@mit.edu | K.Michael.Kohl@gmx.de |
> | Work: +1-617-253-9207 | Home: +1-617-629-3147 |
> | Fax: +1-617-253-9599 | Mobile: +1-978-580-4190 |
> | http://blast.lns.mit.edu | |
> +-------------------------------------+--------------------------+
> <runlist_2005_cosmics_good.txt>
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