Re: track length

From: Michael Kohl (
Date: Fri Mar 17 2006 - 15:26:21 EST


so I conclude that ltwl,r is just a more precise way of integrating the
track length than done in Lwl,r. By correlating ltwl against Lwl one could
in principle see if it is an effect related to the step size.

I will tag a new version before I start over recrunching.



On Fri, 17 Mar 2006, Chi Zhang wrote:

> Hi,
> It is possible that the track length algorithm has problem in the recon
> library. The Rung-Kuta uses 10cm steps and the track length is just a sum of
> the each steps with interpolation in the last step. Where RK bump into
> problem, like sharp turns, it reduces the step, it might happen that this
> causes some deviation in pathlength but I do not see how it result in two
> separate bands.
> The discrepancy in path length is about 20cm. I did not get down to it
> because all in all, the mass peaks are separated by >5-sigma and this is the
> only place that pathlength plays a role. I deemed the resolution for PID
> purpose more than enough, so did not pursue any further.
> Chi

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