Re: Run Lists

From: Michael Kohl (
Date: Thu Mar 15 2007 - 10:07:28 EDT

Hi Adam,
this is not a trivial question. Last summer I had collected runlists from
various analysts and then tried to cook a most consistent version, which
I have not yet completed.

For almost everyone's list there are runs that are present in one list but
not in another and so forth. Sometimes exclusion in one's list is due to
low rate in a specific channel, dead channels (neutron detectors), change
in prescale factor for singles, spin angle, etc.

We need hPz for d(e,e'd)-elastic, d(e,e'p), d(e,e'n), d(e,e').
For each analysis, the individual list may therefore be different.
ed-elastic and d(e,e'n) are the most urgent customers.

Eugene and Aki, could you please re-send your latest polarized-Deuterium
lists for 2004 and 2005.

For 2005, the least common polD1 list is attached
For 2004, Eugene's list from last August is
attached (runlist_2004_polD1_een_32.good), however there was some back and
forth therafter! Eugene ..?

Take this a a working basis for cuts and let me review it more carefully.

Best regards

On Wed, 14 Mar 2007, A. Jon DeGrush wrote:

> Hi Michael,
> Before doing 2004 data, I wanted to make sure that the runs list I use are
> the agreed upon ones. Is there a semi-official list for 2004 both deuterium
> and empty target?
> Sincerely,
> Adam

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