To all who've used MonteCarlo generated by Vitaly for the quasielastic
channels, when I generate my MonteCarlo Vector Asymmetries, I use the
following strings. Withholding judgments on definitions of cuts and other
strings, are the following strings correct? I'm almost positive that they
are... I just want verification. Vitaly, it would be great if you could
make a quick comment on these...
// sqrt(3/2) [(xs1+xs5) - (xs2+xs4)]/SUM
// 3/2 * [(xs1+xs5) - (xs2+xs4)]**2 / (SUM)**2
On 11/28/07, Michael Kohl <> wrote:
> Hi,
> this should be of interest for anyone evaluating asymmetries from BLAST:
> hPz
> ===
> 2004: hPz = 0.5796 +- 0.0034 stat. (=0.59%)
> 2005: hPz = 0.5149 +- 0.0043 stat. (=0.84%)
> uncorrelated, correlated and total systematic uncertainty:
> dhPz_sysunc dhPz_syscor dhPz_sys / rel.
> 2004: 0.0028 0.0019 0.0034 / 0.58%
> 2005: 0.0050 0.0019 0.0054 / 1.04%
> Pzz
> ===
> Chi's update from May 2006 based on v3_4_18 (2004) / v3_4_19 (2005):
> 2004: Pzz = 0.692 +- 0.015 stat. +- 0.037 sys. (0.040 total = 5.78%)
> 2005: Pzz = 0.554 +- 0.013 stat. +- 0.038 sys. (0.040 total = 7.22%)
> thd
> ===
> 2004: thd = <thd> +- 0.35 stat. +- 0.245 sys. (0.427 total)
> 2005: thd = <thd> +- 0.42 stat. +- 0.157 sys. (0.448 total)
> Here, <thd> is the event-weighted average of the respective spin angle map
> of 2004 or 2005 ("Doug's map") and needs to be determined for each
> reaction under conderation.
> Best regards
> Michael
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