Re: a question regarding GEANT's track-stopping conditions

From: Timothy Smith (tim_smith@MIT.EDU)
Date: Fri Oct 19 2001 - 08:36:41 EDT

Hello Aaron,

        As Maurik pointed out, there are also two other conditions
which end a track (decay of particle, and energy below a cutoff).
But back to the two "common" end conditions.

        1) A particle will not go beyond the mother of all mother
volumes, which in blastmc is called "LAS-" (as you figured out).
The size of this is set in "blast_init.f", at line 1085;

C-- Master Reference System is a sphere: LAS-
      CALL GSVOLU('LAS-', 'SPHE', int(BLASTfill), PARA, 6, IVOL)

PARA is an array with the parameters of the sphere, set at line 99;

C-- Size of the master reference system - a sphere:
      DATA PARA / 0.0, 600.0, 0.0, 180.0, 0.0, 360.0/

This is the 6 meter sphere which you see.

        2) The maximum number of steps is set by the varable MAXNST
in line 116 of "blast_init";

        MAXNST = 1000

this is part of the common block gctrak (section ZZZZ010-21, page 424
of the GEANT manual). You can also see this common block in
"include/geant/", (note: we can not change files in
include/geant - that is the interface to the variables within the
GEANT library).

        Good luck!

On Thu, 18 Oct 2001, Aaron Joseph Maschinot wrote:

> Hello, all:
> Does anyone know what the condition(s) is (are) for GEANT to stop keeping
> track of a particle? For example, I know one condition seems to be
> whether or not the particle has been tracked for 1000 steps. This
> variable can be changed inside of "blast_init.f". Another condition seems
> to be if the particle's total path length is greater than 600cm (i.e. the
> length of the radius of the LAS- volume). Is this one true? Where is this condition (and any others) set at? I know that
> tracking stops when the variable ISTOP is set equal to zero, but I can't
> find where (and why) this is done.
> Thanks,
> Aaron

 Timothy Paul Smith                               Research Scientist
 MIT Bates Lab                           
 21 Manning Rd.                                 tel:  (617) 253-9207
 Middleton, MA 01949                            fax:  (617) 253-9599

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