Re: a possible error in GEANT's density of mylar

From: Ed Six (edsix@MIT.EDU)
Date: Mon Dec 03 2001 - 23:16:46 EST

Hi Aaron and Blasters,

On the subject of materials, here is what I used for scintillator and
teflon. I saw that the definition for scint was slightly different in
blast geant. Hope this is useful.


c Plastic Scintillators, NE102 and Teflon.
      DIMENSION ane102(2), zne102(2), wne102(2)
      DIMENSION ateflon(2), zteflon(2), wteflon(2)
      DATA ane102, zne102, wne102 /12.011 ,1.008 ,
     1 6. ,1.,
     2 8. ,8./
      DATA ateflon, zteflon, wteflon /12.011 ,18.998 ,
     1 6. ,9.,
     2 1. ,2./

C**** polystyrene scintillator (see Review of Particle Prop. III.5 1241)
C C6H5CH=CH2 (and CRC 3-468, Styrene)
C (and CONS110 for compounds)
      CALL GSMIXT(17,'Plastic$', ane102, zne102, 1.032, -2, wne102)

C**** Teflon(TM) fluropolymer p=2.13g/cm3
C CF2-CF2-...
      CALL GSMIXT(18,'Teflon$', ateflon, zteflon, 2.13, -2, wteflon)

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