BLASTMC Batch mode

From: Sean Stave (
Date: Wed Dec 05 2001 - 10:59:27 EST

Hello Blasters:

Does anyone have blastmc running in batch mode on campus? I tried:

blast -b -f fort.36 -t 100
blast -f fort.36 -t 100 -b

and both gave errors about not finding batch files.

I also cannot get batch to work by piping in the commands, i.e.:

blast < in
where in is:
read 36
kine 3 3. 0.5 0.5 45. 45. 0. 0.
trig 5

I get these galore:
 *** Break *** Segmentation violation
 Traceq lun = 0, level = 99

 TRACEQ. In-line trace-back still not available.


Anyway, if anyone has a solution, I would appreciate it. Thanks.

-Sean Stave

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