Re: blastmc & moller generator

From: Simon Sirca (
Date: Mon Jan 28 2002 - 17:55:31 EST

On Mon, 28 Jan 2002, Adrian T Sindile wrote:

> So I guess, you can detach the Moller stuff altogether, but people who do
> not use autoconf will have to modify their Makefile by hand to use any
> shared object (unless we find a solution for the rellocation error message).

Moller is detached already and is available through --enable-moller.
If the generator crashes at run-time (as Hauke mentions), it is a different
issue. What exactly is the relocation error Adrian is experiencing?
And where exactly does the program crash? A propos rootcint dealing with
*.h files: in principle comments within pre-processing directives,
especially in their non-C form "//", are a bad idea.


  Simon Sirca
  MIT-LNS, Room 26-402                 Tel: +1 617 258-5438
  77 Massachusetts Avenue              Fax: +1 617 452-5950
  Cambridge, MA 02139-4307, USA        URL:

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